Social, mental and psychological health is critical to our personal growth. We provide resources that may help you move towards wellness.



A Depressed Woman

Are you going through a stressful situation that is putting you down? Don't drown in your own thoughts. We're here to help

Suicidal Ideation

An addicted individual

Life is too precious to terminate it prematurely. Pause, talk to someone, reflect and rediscover the purpose of your life. We can help.


An anxious person

Are you unsettled because you are anxious over something? You are absolutely normal and you need to calm down. Engage us.

Strained Relationships

Counselling session for couples

Relationships can be rocky, but they should make you strong. Engaging a professional can save your union. Any trouble?


Youth in Mentorship session

Addictions should not control your life. Any time is a good time to stop. Overcome them by engaging a ReachOut Consel Professional.

Dealing With Loss

Schooling Teenagers

Loss is unbearable, but there is much more to live for. We may never bring them back, but we can recover our happiness.